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a bestiary of namespace examples

I'm trying to build a bestiary of ways in which name lookup can happen
in C++.  It's still very much a work in progress (I haven't done
anything with members of classes or with overloading, for example),
but I wanted to post it here in case any C++ experts have more good
examples to add.  (Either of examples that will work or of examples
that you might think would work but that, in fact, won't work.)  C++
name lookup, unfortunately, looks complicated enough that I'm not at
all confident that I won't miss weird possibilities if I just go by
what I can get out of the Standard or by what I can get out of various
reference books.

I'm including what I've got so far after my signature; please e-mail
me with any additions you can think of.

David Carlton

// This file is intended to give you an idea of when names are and
// aren't in scope based on various namespace/using declarations.
// It's intended to compile, so I've commented out statements that
// you might think could work but actually won't.

// Compile with something like g++ -S -g -dA

int g1 = 1;

namespace A
  int a1 = 1;
  int a2 = a1;				// = A::a1
  // a4's definition hasn't shown up yet.
  //int a3 = a4;

namespace B
  int b1 = 1;

namespace A
  int a4;
  int a5 = a1;				// = A::a1
  // namespace B isn't visible.
  //int a6 = b1;
  int a7 = B::b1;

  using namespace B;
  int a8 = b1;

// namespace B isn't visible.
//int g2 = b1;

namespace A
  int a9 = b1;				// B::b1, from earlier using.

// D isn't visible yet.
//int g3 = D::a4;

namespace D = A;

int g4 = D::a4;

namespace A
  namespace AA
    int aa1 = a1;			// = A::a1
    int aa2 = b1;			// = B::b1, from earlier using in A.

namespace A
    int au1 = 1;

    // This is the same namespace as the earlier unnamed namespace, so
    // we can't redefine au1.
    //int au1 = 2;

  int a10 = au1;
  int a11 = D::au1;			// = A::<unnamed>::au1

namespace B
  using A::a1;
  int b2 = a1;

// au1 is visible within A, but not here.
//int g5 = au1;
int g6 = A::au1;

namespace A
  void af1()

  void af2();

void A::af2()

namespace A
  class AC {};

void gf1(A::AC theAC)
  // None of these work: namespace A isn't in scope.

namespace A
  int af3(A::AC theAC)
    return 1;

  A::AC af4()

// Namespaces get added to lookup list based on parameters to
// functions, but not based on return type.
A::AC g7;
int g8 = af3(g7);
//A::AC g9 = af4();

// This is here just so I can see what compilation info for statics
// looks like.
static int g10 = 1;

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