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Re: [maint] The GDB maintenance process

A few days ago, I actually ran statistics on how long it takes for a patch to get first review in gcc vs gdb over the past year, and for gcc, it's 2.some odd days.  Believe it or not, for gdb, it was well over two weeks.
That's not good.

Ah, statistics. Ah metrics.

Given most outliers are now in the bug database can you perhaphs break it down by area and, hopefully, more usefuly, look at each area's change rate.

It is the change/progress that is important, not the absolute numbers. A lack of change that is of concern. For instance, I worry about build and remote problems. The former definitly makes progress, the latter less so :-(


PS: And metrics are made to be abused. As soon as people know the metric that they are being measured by, the quickly addapt their behavour to make that specific metric look better.

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