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Re: A consistent get/unwind frame naming schema

Re-post. It just might be prudent to have this rename in before 6 branches. It will make importing mainline changes onto the branch easier.

--- Begin Message --- It's been noted (and I know my self) that the frame's current naming schema isn't exactly consistent. It came about because there was a consistent naming schema but I didn't notice it until after adding several new functions. Anyway, it would probably be a good idea to clean it up before 6 - the change is mindless, just tedious.

So, I'd like to suggest the following.


	get WHAT from the THIS frame
	(functionaly equivalent to THIS->next->unwind->what)
	unwind THIS frame's WHAT from the NEXT frame
	safer version of various functions, doesn't throw an error
	(leave this for later?) (*frame*_p instead?)
	put a value into this frame
	(unsafe, need to invalidate the frame / regcache afterwards)
	(better name more strongly hinting at its unsafeness)


void *frame*_WHAT:
	read WHAT's value into the buffer parameter
ULONGEST *frame*_WHAT_unsigned:
	return an unsigned value
	(the alternative is *frame_unsigned_WHAT)
LONGEST *frame*_WHAT_signed
	return WHAT signed value


*frame*_memory* (frame, coreaddr, len [, buf])
	extract/return memory
*frame*_register* (frame, regnum [, buf])
	extract/return register
*frame*_{pc,sp,...} (frame)
	resume address, innner most stack address, ...

At least it is consistent.


--- End Message ---

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