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Breakpoints in constructor/destructor


	I just downloaded gdb onto cygwin. I found it pretty
wonderful, but there's one thing I'm completely baffled by. I
can't seem to set breakpoints in constructors or destructors
in my C++ programs. I wrote a simple program that does nothing but
create and destroy a simple object. When I step through it, I can see
my cout statements in the constructors and destructors being called.
But if I set breakpoints at these lines, the gdb doesn't stop there.
The program is reproduced below, but it's pretty simple---there's
not much to see. I read the gdb manual, but saw no mention of 
any special issues related to constructors and destructors. And
I see that there was a thread earlier this year on "breakpoints
in constructors," but unfortunately, I found it incomprehensible.

	Any help would be appreciated. Or, any suggestion on how
I could have figured this out on my own, from the gdb manual
or other source. 


------------ Program below ------------

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

// ----- START OF CLASS MyNumber -----

class MyNumber{
	MyNumber(int y);
	int x;

MyNumber::MyNumber(int y)
   cout << "\nConstructor called with number " << y << endl;

   cout << "\nDestructor called for number" << x << endl;

// ----- END OF CLASS MyNumber -----

void APointlessFunction(void)
   MyNumber c(42);

int main()
   MyNumber a(100);
   return 0;

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