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Re: GDB's command qualifier character is `/'

All of the currently accepted / options that I can find are output
format qualifiers.

While: /d /f /c are certainly format qualfiers, I don't think repeat counts: /2 /16 ... or size: /b /h /w /g can be interpreted that way. For instance

	(gdb) x/8 $pc
	(gdb) print/8 main
	Item count other than 1 is meaningless in "print" command.
	(gdb) print/g main
	Size letters are meaningless in "print" command.

Note that the current code doesn't separate single letter qualfiers with a `/' ("x/8/f/g" isn't valid). But tweaking the code to do this is easy, and I don't expect users to notice.

Also note that GDB's lack of a strong parser means that:
	x /8 $pc
is interpreted as:
	x/8 $pc

 I find nothing strange or inconsistent about using
a different syntax for options and for output qualifiers.  GDB doesn't
have any examples of
  break /shlib round
  break / round

``Note that this doesn't address "parameterized qualifiers" (tar/dump convention?) and "qualified parameters" (not allowed?)''.

To expand on "tar/dump convention", tar/dump put the parameters after the qualifiers vis:

break/shlib round

(it could get confusing if multiple qualfiers required parameters as occures with "tar xbf 1024 -"). So:

break/ round

might be better ("=" avoids the shift key needed by ":").

(1) Personally, I'm always using the `/' qualifier, but I can't remember when, if ever, I used one of the UNIX style command options.

That's because there are very few commands in all of GDB's CLI which
_take_ options.  /, -, or otherwise.

The question to ask isn't how many commands use each syntax, but rather how many users use each syntax. As a user, I use `/..' every day. As a user, I don't think I've ever used `-...' syntax and only know of it because I've looked at the code.


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