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unable to build arm9 gdb lack of termcap, termcap not provided by ncurses, rather terminfo


  I'm still unable to build an arm9 gdb using Dan Kegel's crosstool 
( and a patched (ncurses-5.3-20031025) 
ncurses-5.3 because it complains about a missing termcap.  ncurses provides 
terminfo but I don't see a termcap.  The patched ncurses-53 apparently builds 
successfully if I turn off ada language support.  crosstool apparently builds 
the arm9 cross toolchain successfully.  Perhaps I haven't placed the 
libraries generated by ncurses in the correct location for the gdb build to 
see them.  I copied /tmp/ncurses/src/lib/* to the lib dir created by 
crosstool.  Perhaps gdb configure needs to be told where to get libraries 
from?  Bzip2'd output from the gdb build attempt and the script that 
initiates the build are attached.

Ken Wolcott

Attachment: compile.log.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

Description: application/shellscript

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