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Re: remote target: compare a loaded file

Torsten Mohr wrote:

> Hi,
> at the moment i write some code to implement a
> remote GDB server.  I suspect that the program
> i download into a target is changed somehow.
> Can i somehow easily "compare" the downloaded
> program?
> Something like:
> bash# arm-unknown-elf-gdb main.elf
> (gdb) target remote localhost:2000  // connect to target
> (gdb) load main.elf
> (gdb) compare_downloaded_file main.elf
> Is something like this possible?
> Can i somehow write a region of memory as binary into a
> file?

Yes, you can. Reading the .ELF file for an executable software image to
extract what is actually loaded in a remote embedded system is a simple
programming assignement. If you need the source code example of what you
whish to do, you may download the ABCD Proto-Kernel distribution
and look at the project elf_post_ld.



- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
9130 Place de Montgolfier
Montreal, Qc
H2M 2A1

Tel.: (514)385-5691
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