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Re: How does GDB informs remote stub about '^Cremote_interrupt called'

Modi Banti wrote:
I am building a remote stub for an Arm simulator. I am using sockets to communicate with GDB. when I want to break my program using through GDB( C -c) I cann see the message ' ^Cremote_interrupt called' in GDB but I dont get any packets in my reomte stub. I am not sure how GDB informs the remote target to stop? does anybody have any idea about this?

I added a GdbStub for a game console emulator on which the actual code for debugging is running on. But instead of sockets I used pipe to communicate. In this case gdb just sends a ^C to the emulator which leads to a SIGINT signal. I just had to wrote a SIGINT handler for the emulator to get this working correctly. The handler just sets a Variable to '1' and the Emulator checks at a certain point. If it is sets and handels control over to the "main" function of the stub where all the command processing is done. Not exactly the case you have but maybe that helps.


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