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Re: shared library support hookin the remote.c

But assuming you could, what mechanisms would you use to implement it? :-)

Sorry, but I had to modify the old (non-gdb supported) implementation which had a side benifit of reminding me what needed done.

Good :-)

Note that I am not saying that this has to be the protocol, just that I know it works with a minimal
amount of network bandwith.  Also note, that because of number 2 below, this support is backward compatible to older
stubs or to future stubs that don't care to support shared libraries.

1) Send a packet to the remote target asking if there are any shared libraries.
2)  If the target sends back a '\0', then GDB knows that the target doesn't support this protocol and won't
and the rest of this protocol is unused for the remainder of the debugging session.  This keeps the traffic to a
minimum for stubs that don't support shared libraries (and we have a couple).

3) If the stub supports Step 1 it replies with a flag character. We used '0' for none and '1' to not that there are some.

4)  If a '1' is returned in Step 3, then the following happens until there are no more libraries to  report.  The stub will only
    return the information for one shared library at a time so as not to over run a buffer in GDB.

     - a packet is sent asking for the shared library information.
      - The stub returns the library name and its location in memory which GDB uses to then load the symbol table correctly.

There are a couple of things that should be taken into acount for remote stubs.
1)  The remote OS may not provide a way for the stub to get an interrupt  or hook the library loading code but some may.  The
    OS I am involved with has that code in read-only memory.
2)  The OS may have already loaded the libraries by the time the stub gets control of the the process.
It is for these two reasons that we don't use the breakpoint method that kevin is talking about.  I do like it for systems that can
support it - however.

So each time the inferior stops, GDB will need to re-poll for shlib changes?

Can the stub instead generate a packet, very like the recently added F (File I/O) indicating that the link map changed (and what)?

I previously wrote:

So its:

- an event indicating that the link map changed
- in responce the solib code fetches the entire link map
- the link map is merged against the current local cache
- the objfile code is notified of any segment changes

It can be sliced 'n' diced at least two ways:

- at the objfile interface -> the protocol pushes changes to the link map

- a the solib interface -> the protocol pushes a ``something solib like happened'', and then the solib code pulls the link map. If things are being done at this lower level, the protocol could even pass across the address/symbol at which the link map breakpoint should be inserted?

As for the information:

> a) The unrelocated starting address of a segment.

Is this the offset in the object file.

>     b) The length of the segment
>     c) The address (relocated) of the segment.
>     d) The address space associated with the segment (think harvard

Rather than this is the protection mask needed (r,w,x?)

> architecture here).
f) object file path

How does this compare to what is found in /proc/*/*map*?

The other is to have a custom xxx-shlib hooked up to inferior stopped that queries for the stuff you describe. It could probably be tunneled as a TARGET_OBJECT_KOD packet.


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