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Re: Unimplemented MI commands

On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 11:33:07AM +0200, Fabian Cenedese wrote:
> >I've seen in mi/mi-cmds.c that about half of the mi commands are not
> >implemented yet. Are there plans for them? Or do I need to use the
> >normal console interface for these commands? I'm especially
> >interested in the -symbol-* functions where only one is available now.
> Replying to myself.
> I've found this mail with a patch, why wasn't that included then?

Yes, only half of the functions are implemented. Not speaking for the
GDB people, but only for myself, I don't think they have any intention
on implementing the rest of the commands. However, if you need a certain
command maybe it would be done for you. However, I think that if you
need certain commands, it would be much better to add an mi command,
rather than use the CLI output.

Bob Rossi

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