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Re: probing GDB for MI versions

Will someone explain to me how they expect to write a parser capable of
getting some information out of MI2, but prove to me that it will work
with MI100.


  Any time anyone proposes changing the output format of the -mi-version
command, or removing it, we'll just say no.  Fr'ex:

  The -mi-version command will ALWAYS AND FOREVER output a string of the

"Highest supported MI version is XXXX"

anything like that.

where XXXX is an ASCII decimal integer.  Any program can then read the
output from an invocation of gdb and simply discard everything up until it
finds that string, then parse the integer out.

Right, and tested (as always) using the testsuite.

I find this focus on such pedantic details both puzzling and time wasting. Especially given that any code intended to handle multiple MI variants must be adhoc. Otherwize it won't work with all the variants that pre-date the above - mi0, mi1, mi2 (prior to the above extension.

MI needs is additional commands and extensions, driven by the needs of Free software projects. Neither of those - EMACS and Eclipse - appear to be having problems this technical nits such as this.


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