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Re: Discussion: Formalizing the deprecation process in GDB

Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 11:37:45 -0400
From: Andrew Cagney <>

A system that is being continuously re-factored is not well suited for detailed internals documentation - the effort is wasted.

Can we say that the features that are not going to change any time
soon are sufficiently documented?  For example, the CLI is not going
to be refactored any time soon (AFAIK), and yet its documentation
includes only 3 functions out of at least 10 it exports.  The
completion features (I mean their GDB-specific aspects, not the
general Readline mechanism) are not documented at all.

The way the current CLI code works is i18n busted. I recently deprecated several key CLI functions just to stop people adding code using them.. While there are new "draft" interfaces available they are just draft, the corresponding internals (and perhaps the interfaces) face significant change.

Even the frame code isn't safe, which left the old design in the dust, is now its self reaching its limits. It's looking at a refactoring that will fundmentally change both it and the symtab. From frame has-a unwinder; to frame has-a function (is a symbol) has-a unwinder.

etc, etc, etc,


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