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Re: Output from target in MI mode

On Friday 18 November 2005 16:48, Bob Rossi wrote:

> > I see this:
> >
> >    (gdb)
> >    -exec-run
> >    ^running
> >    (gdb)
> >    Hi
> >    *stopped,reason="exited-normally"
> >    (gdb)
> >
> > The output from target is not prepended by "@". Gdb version is 6.3.
> > Is this a bug, or out-of-date docs, or I read the docs incorrectly?
> Currently, when running on the host, the output from the inferior is
> mixed with the MI output. If you would like to separate the output you
> can use the -inferior-set-tty command. This means that your front end
> needs to be capable of creating a pty pair. That way, all of the
> inferior output will be captured on a seperate descriptor.

Sure, that's what happening now. But that pty handling is a bit messy, since 
gdb already knows what output comes from inferior, it could just prepend it 
with some character.

> The 'target' in teh above sentence I believe is refering to when GDB is
> using a remote protocol to a specific piece of hardware. It's not
> refering to the host.

Ok, then it's not clear to me either. There's specific packet in remote 
protocol ("OXXXX") which allows to pass arbitrary text from remote side to 
gdb. Is this what's printed with "@". Or there some other messages from 
remote that are also printed with "@" prefix?

- Volodya

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