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MI return error changed from 6.3 to 6.4?


after upgrade from GDB 6.3 to 6.4 I noticed that the error return behavior of MI interface invoked by "--interpreter=mi" changed. While with 6.3 an "^error" was returned which can be used by programs to react, 6.4 only returns "^done":

GDB 6.3:

&"Undefined command: \"ererwrererwrewr\". Try \"help\".\n"
^error,msg="Undefined command: \"ererwrererwrewr\". Try \"help\"."

GDB 6.4:

&"Undefined command: \"srwwerrweweer\".  Try \"help\".\n"

With this, a GUI interface has the problem that it can't decide if the GDB
has some problems parsing the command given to it or not because it scans for
the "^error" string as result. With 6.4 this doesn't work any more.

Do I miss anything here? What is the new recommended way to do this job?

Sorry if this is a FAQ, but searching release note and list archives I can't find a hint for this.



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