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Re: asynchronous MI output commands

From: Bob Rossi >
> You can easily categorize a ^done or ^error response as synchronous.
> Other responses are more difficult to associate with a command, because
> they weren't directly issued as the response to a command.
> > It could output
> >
> > -file-list-exec-source-file
> > %-file-list-exec-source-file
> > ^done,line="26",file="test.c",fullname="/home/bob/cvs/cgdb/cgdb.mi/builddir/test.c"
> > (gdb)
> Accomplishing what? This is synchronous. It's a response to the
> previously issued command. The front end knows exactly what its
> previously issued command was, I hope.

Hmmm. That's interesting, I was hoping to not need to know what the
input command was in order to parse and build an ADT for the output. In
general, I think it would be appropriate if the MI output described
itself well enough that no other information was needed to understand
it, including the MI intput command.


Bob Rossi

When I started using the MI a long time ago I assumed the same - that the MI output would define to some extent what was asked.
This would make the front-end much more state-less and easy to do.
Unfortunately it does not appear to be the case. I think the general suggestion is to make use of the <token> part of the command syntax to allow you to match the answer with the question - leaving it up to you to keep track of input-parameters, commands and context.

In my case I wish to submit several commands at once and slowly digest the answer (over a remote line where the network round-trip is slow). Using the <token> is clumsy and doesn't solve the problem of having enough information to process the answer without keeping track of the question. Since separate components handle the output autonomously, I had to give up tracking a command-list, and instead had to make sure only 1 question was lingering - thus making the entire solution run much slower than otherwise needed.

I found that commands that return "^value" result-records (such as -var-evaluate-expression and -data-evaluate-expression) doesn't carry enough information. I don't think a model where the entire command is repeated in the output is a desirable design, but at least identifying the question-type and its crucial parameters would suffice.


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