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RE: GDB solib interface

Ok - I am not getting any T stop packets on the gdbserver end.  Is there
something I have to do to get gdb to issue them?

The text you wrote:

Reporting DLL events

The `T' stop packet response is extended to take three additional
N:R pairs.  When any of these are encountered, the stopped thread
is assumed to be at a DLL event.  The signal should be SIGTRAP.
There may be multiple load and unload events in the stop packet.


    A new DLL has been loaded; it is described in the stop packet.

    If "nop" is specified, this DLL was already loaded, e.g. by
    an earlier call to dlopen.


    A DLL has been unloaded.  A single identifier is provided to
    uniquely identify which DLL has been unloaded.  Depending
    on the target, this may be the text or data address; the name
    can be used, but may not be unambiguous.

    If "nop" is specified, this DLL was not unloaded, e.g. because
    another thread still had a handle to it.


    Multiple DLL events have occured.  GDB should query the target for
    current state of DLLs.

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