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Re: namespace and argument dependent name lookup (ADL) in gdb

On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 09:38:53PM -0600, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't have to write test::f in the following program because of
> argument dependent name lookup.
> But to debug such program, I have to write the namespace test. For example,
> (gdb) tb f
> Function "f" not defined.
> (gdb) tb test::f
> Breakpoint 1 at 0x804867c: file, line 11.

That's not Koenig lookup.  There's no arguments.  If you were already
in the namespace 'test', GDB would search it.

> I'm wondering if gdb supports ADL. In a big program, it might not be
> easy for me to find out which namespace is the function "f" in. If gdb
> support ADL, it would save user a lot of time.

GDB supports some kinds of context-sensitive lookup, but not this one.
It is too complex to reconstruct the necessary information in the
debugger to do accurate name lookup.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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