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RE: GDB Annotations : Support plan

Jain, Rohit wrote:

> Hi,
> GDB is now supporting GDB/MI interface, and the annotation mechanism has
> now become obsolete.
> Is there any plan to completely discontinue the support for annotations
> in future?
> If yes, and if you know approximate release period that annotations are
> going to exist, please let me know.
> If no, then is it safe to assume that GDB/MI interface and annotations
> (although obsolete!) are going to co-exist?

If I understand correctly, right now annotations are essentially fossilized 
--- nobody adds new annotations, and due to small test coverage, it's hard
to make sure that existing annotations are not broken.

IMO, it would be great to remove them, tomorrow. However, it's probably
more of a political question, than a technical one, so no estimate
of low long they will stay can be provided.

- Volodya

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