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Re: Tracepoints functionality for local targets

> >  patches for tracepoints can also be found at
> >
> Thanks.  I'm assuming copyright for the patches hasn't been assigned
> to the FSF yet.
> [If that's incorrect, excellent.]  Can they be?

It is GPL V2 and not assigned to the FSF - it was funded by Siemens AG
(Cooperate Technology) and Im talking to them - but it took 1 year to
get them to release it under the GPL and get permission to release it to
the public so don't expect this to happen any time soon - anyway it is a
supprise to me that it is insufficient to release code under the GPL V2
and frankly if the FSF requires copyright assignment then this is bad news
for free software developers - what reason could I give any other company
to require the same ? On the other hand if the FSF has legitimate reasons
not to accept GPL code as it could lead to restrictions then this would
be the case for any commercial entity as well and be really bad news for
GPL all together. So I still hope that the GPL V2 code would be accepted
by the GDB people.

> No point in reinventing wheels if one doesn't have to.


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