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gdb for AT91SAM7


My question concerns to debugging of embedded code on AT91SAM7
targets. Briefly about the background of the problem:
1) I'm using gdb-
2) toolchain is based on gcc-4.2.2 for Windows
3) JTAG is by Segger, they also provide GDB server

What I'm trying to do is to debug step-by-step the C-startup, written
in ARM assembly language in order to clearly understand the process of
chip initialization, peripheral setup and other low-level stuffs.

I compiled C-startup and my simple application (printing string out of
the USRT), with "-gdwarf-2 -O0" options as recommended. Then I run
gdb, attach to the target. Since the application is linked to 0x100000
I set breakpoint on this address:

#arm-elf-gdb main.elf
#target remote localhost:2331
#break *0x100000

At this point it hangs and doesn't step over. But if I do "jump
*0x100000" right after setting up the breakpoint, it works! This is
kind of strange, isn't it?

Are there any explanations to this? Or such behavior is rather sane?
Thank you in advance for your comments!


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