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Re: multi-process remote protocol extensions

Hi Pedro, 

I'd like to throw out some thoughts *before* I read your 
somewhat long but apparently well-thought-out proposal.
I'll be brief.

Forgive me if what I toss out has already been covered.

Have you considered the cross-over between the general
case of debugging multiple processes, and the more restricted
case of debugging forks of the same process?  With forks,
(and excluding exec for the moment), you actually have 
several processes with separate address spaces but one
common symbol table.

I'm thinking that the support for fork debugging that we
already have might serve as a stepping-off point for what
you propose.

Maybe an incremental step would be to extend the fork
debugging functionality into the remote protocol and
get it to work with gdbserver?

I'll just go off and actually read what you wrote now...

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