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Re: Multiprocess MI extensions

On Wednesday 18 June 2008 00:19:06 Marc Khouzam wrote:
> As for the output of -list-thread-groups 
> >   ^done,result={threads=[<thread>],groups=[<group>]}
> > where each thread group is like this:
> >   {id="xxx",type="process",pid="yyy",num_children="1"}
> I'm not clear on the "threads" part of the output.
> Will that part only be filled if we issue 
> -list-thread-groups GROUP
> where GROUP is a process and therefore only has threads as children?
> If that is the case, then "threads" and "groups" cannot both
> have content at the same time, right?

I don't know, and the spec intentionally does not disallow that.
For now, we have only one level of thread groups -- which are processes.
So, in practice, you'll either get 'threads' or 'groups' field. But
I don't know how one might want to group threads in future.

> Further, I guess this would mean we can use -list-thread-groups
> all the time, and no longer use -thread-list-ids?

Yes, this is the intention. In order to support older GDB, you might
want to have fallback code that uses -thread-list-ids.

- Volodya

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