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gdb on ARM 11 processor

    Is  GDB  is available for ARM 11 processor??
In any case, I want to know how to do stackwalk on ARM 11 processor??
Dwarf information is needed always to do stackwalk?


With this assumption , I am trying to write a program using PTRACE
systemcall and functions which will tell all information about any ARM
11 instruction.
My question is given a current FREAME, how to know the caller frame??
I want to know procgram counter value in each frame as I do stackwalk.

My program proceeds like this:
At the first step,I we do PTRACE we get all registers(including PC,
LR, FP, SP...).
The callers address will be always in LR.

So we can know the the next level frame's program counter.
At this level how know where the LR register is stored on the stack?????

If the above problem is already solved in GDB, please let me know in
which files of GCC source code, I should hava look.

P.S: I have read ARM ABI. But could not figureout any clue.

Thanks in advance.

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