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Re: Symbols/blocks questions

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 08:51:54AM -0700, Joel Brobecker wrote:
> > Well, string rendition is not really a challenge. You take 
> > struct block *, and then use phex :-) The id need not be
> > stable across debug sessions, it just should be stable within
> > one debug session. 
> OK - I just thought that you wanted the user to be able to identify
> these blocks from the source code. The same way we do when doing
>     (gdb) print FUNC::VAR
> If you think people will be happy with an arbitrary block ID, then
> indeed, that's easy (it's actually how task IDs are identified in
> VxWorks, it's the address of the TCB).

FWIW, I think we should avoid using internal pointers in the MI
interface.  Not only does it open up a can of worms (should we really
be dereferencing user-supplied pointers?  how long are their
lifetimes?), but it's going to make it hard to reproduce bugs given an
MI session transcript.

The inline function support has a way of representing blocks as
tuples.  That might help.  The tuples are start address and "depth";
the depth number would be different here, but serves the same

Daniel Jacobowitz

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