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GIT problem

I am unable to run my
script anymore.

This is the problem I get:

muller@gcc16:~/auto-test-gdb/gdb$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 9890, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3027/3027), done.
Unpacking 8223 objects
remote: Total 8223 (delta 6080), reused 6941 (delta 5144)
 100% (8223/8223) done
* refs/heads/origin: not updating to non-fast forward branch 'master' of
git://s 11a8ecf...ccf3aea

*** Environment problem:
*** Your name cannot be determined from your system services (gecos).
*** You would need to set GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_COMMITTER_NAME
*** environment variables; otherwise you won't be able to perform
*** certain operations because of "empty ident" errors.
*** Alternatively, you can use configuration variable.

fatal: empty ident  <muller@gcc16.(none)> not allowed

I have no write access to GIT repository and only
use it for reading... This should work normally, no?
What should I put into the variables

Pierre Muller
Pascal language support maintainer for GDB

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