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Re: TRACE implementation

sumanth wrote:
Hi Michael,
Very pleased with the information you provided. Still I have certain doubts in mind.
Tracepoints can b implemented through either remote stubs or gdbserver or gdb agents (byte-coding).
Is this true?..................................................
which can be best suited to me as I am accessing my fpga/processor through a parallel port jtag. I dont want to
burden my processor by running a server on it.
The problem here , I googled in net and I didn't even find a single prototype to have a fell of how to trace data(trace points) on my target .


How does gdb talk to your jtag device?  Is it
a) directly to the parallel port, or
b) through a serial connection to an agent that controls the parallel port?

If b, and if using the gdb remote serial protocol, then there's your
agent into which you can add the tracepoint smarts.


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