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Re: pexpect doesnt seem able to control bochs like it does gdb???

fpga <> writes:

> I've been controlling qemu with gdb via pexpect.
> I'm now trying to control bochs debugger with pexpect
> [code]
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import pexpect, subprocess, time
> child = pexpect.spawn('terminator -x bochs\n') 
> child.expect_exact   ('Please choose one: [6] ')
> child.send           ('6\n')
> [/code]
> Unfortunately bochs debugger ignores the 6 that is sent.
> I just wonder if anyone knows how to get around such "ignorance".
> If it's any help...  
> I note that if I If I press 6 then this works 
> i.e. it's as if I had inserted 'child.interact()' before sending the 6??? 
> Any advice much appreciated


I could be very wrong - but it might be worth seeing if changing the code

> child.send           ('6\n')





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