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Re: Multiexec MI broke MI compatibility?

Frederic Riss wrote:

I tried to use the latest GDB CVS version with Eclipse Galileo DSF
Debug launch, and it failed to launch a debug session. I looked at the
differences with Fedora's GDB7.0 that works in the same environment
and found out that the way MI reports threads totally changed. Some
notifications have changed (eg. thread-group-created became

This change was intended.

the way to identify thread groups has changed
(thus breaking the way Eclipse did that query)...

If the change from numeric ids to 'iNNN' broken anything, this is DSF bug. The strings were *always* documented as opaque.

All that changed
with the introduction of Multiexec MI.

This leads to some questions:
 - Was that expected?

The change from thread-group-created to thread-group-started was intended. I don't think Marc raised any concerns about that. I was no aware that any released DSF version has actual support for multiexec. I am not aware of any other change from documentated behaviour.

- What kind of backward compatibility does the MI interface provide?

It generally should be backward compatible within given MI version (currently 2).

 - Is there a GUI working with the latest GDB and supporting the
Multiexec features?

No idea.

- Volodya

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