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UTF-8 not working for MI?


I've noticed that in MI mode, gdb does not show UTF-8 characters properly.
Please see short session comparaison below.
Surprisingly, I get proper output when using an MI command from CLI mode.

Is there a setting I'm supposed to turn on when using MI mode? or is this
a bug?  If it is a bug, I can open a PR.



1       wchar_t a = 0xe4; // ä
2       int main()
3       {
4           return 0;
5       }

> gdb -nx a.out
GNU gdb (GDB)
(gdb) p a
$1 = 228 L'ä'
(gdb) interpreter-exec mi "-var-create - * a"
^done,name="var1",numchild="0",value="228 L'ä'",type="wchar_t",has_more="0"
(gdb) show charset 
The host character set is "auto; currently UTF-8".
The target character set is "auto; currently UTF-8".
The target wide character set is "auto; currently UTF-32".


> gdb -i mi -nx a.out
~"GNU gdb (GDB)\n"
(gdb) -gdb-show charset
(gdb) p a
&"p a\n"
~"$1 = 228 L'\303\244'"
(gdb) -var-create - * a
^done,name="var1",numchild="0",value="228 L'\303\244'",type="wchar_t",has_more="0"
(gdb) show charset 
&"show charset \n"
~"The host character set is \"auto; currently UTF-8\".\n"
~"The target character set is \"auto; currently UTF-8\".\n"
~"The target wide character set is \"auto; currently UTF-32\".\n"

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