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RE: Memory-mapped peripheral registers, remote protocol and memory maps

> The following command 'p' will only generate 'm' packet with the right size.
> (gdb) p *(unsigned int *) 0x8048608
> Sending packet: $m8048608,4#3f...Packet received: 5589e583
> (gdb) p *(char *) 0x8048608
> Sending packet: $m8048608,1#3c...Packet received: 55
> I admit they are tricky.

Yes, this is fine from the command line, but ideally I would like something that works when GDB is being driven by a GUI such as Eclipse, which may not necessarily know the correct size to use. It does work in some cases, but not all (i.e. when dumping memory).

Thanks for the pointer, I'll see if I can find the patches you mention.


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