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Re: Ensure correct symbol-file when attaching to a (remote) process

On 01/29/2013 04:18 AM, Raphael Zulliger wrote:
I agree.
(--build-id is a very interesting feature which I was not aware of. Thanks for that hint Jan)

In our scenario, our GDB stub could get that build-id from the running target: Our embedded systems provides a variable read/write mechanism accessible by the stub. Moreover, the embedded system could be made aware of the address of the build-id by introducing variables around the section in the linker script.

Here's the solution we came up with. Unfortunately, the solution is not very GDB-like mainly because the lack of time to create high quality GDB patches. But at least I want to share our (low-end) solution with you. (Note: I'm definitely not saying that this is the ideal solution! It's just good enough for our use cases.)

I post this message because of two purposes:
1. As a reference if someone is searching the web
2. To check if someone comes up with a better solution for reading the build-id out from an elf file

Here's what we've done in order to read the build-id from within our C/C++ code of our embedded software:

- We pass "-Wl,--build-id" to the linker invocation

 - We extended the linker script by:
    .note    : {
        PROVIDE (__NOTE_BUILDID_END__ = .);
        } > ram

- In the C/C++ code we have something like this:
extern unsigned int __NOTE_BUILDID_BEGIN__;
extern unsigned int __NOTE_BUILDID_END__;
With these two variables at hand, we are able to propagate the build-id to our GDB-stub by our own "PC to embedded system communication".

- On the GDB side, we hacked some python code to read the build-id out from the ELF file:
def GetBuildId():
BuildId = ""
# we only ever have 1 ELF file (or 0 in case of a user error):
for file in gdb.objfiles():
cmd = 'objdump -s -j .note ' + file.filename
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output =
for line in output.splitlines():
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == ' ':
for entry in line.split()[1:5]:
BuildId = BuildId + entry
return BuildId

This is definitely no high-end code, but it does its job. Among others, It's potentially unstable if objdump changes it's output format... I searched the web for a better way of getting the content of a certain section out from an object file, but couldn't find a solution. If someone knows about a GDB/Python interface for doing so, I would definitely like to hear about it!

The build-id read out from the ELF file will then be sent to our GDB stub in a non-GDB way (again some kind of home-made communication, which we'd already in use). Our GDB stub finally compares the build-id read from the ELF file with the one read from the embedded system and can compare them for equality.


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