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Re: [GDB Wiki] Add editor privilege control

> That's about it.  Y'all can draft the EditorGroup page, then let me
> know when to flip the acl switches.  The initial syntax is:
> #acl EditorGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read
> #format wiki
> #language en
> Members of this group are allowed to edit the wiki. This is a community maintained list. As a member of EditorGroup you can add other users to this list but by doing so you vouch for them.
>  * UserName
>  * OtherUserName
>  * YetAnotherUserName

Thanks, Frank. I just created the EditorGroup page, using the user
names from all legitimate change for the past month or so, but
purposefully leaving myself out of the list for testing. Would you
mind turning the ACLs on, so we can see how well it works with me?


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