glibc-bugs archive
author index for April, 2006

This is the mail archive of the mailing list for the glibc project.

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a-higuti at gray dot plala dot or dot jp

aurelien at aurel32 dot net

barbier at linuxfr dot org

bcook at bpointsys dot com

bero at arklinux dot org

bonzini at gnu dot org

bruno at clisp dot org

bruno dot roggeri at supelec dot fr

cvs-commit at gcc dot gnu dot org

Dave at Yost dot com

david dot mckay at st dot com

decimal at us dot ibm dot com

dmueller at suse dot com

drepper at redhat dot com

drow at false dot org

drow at sources dot redhat dot com

eddy dot petrisor at gmail dot com

eggert at gnu dot org

egmont at uhulinux dot hu

gotom at debian dot or dot jp

grhoten at gmail dot com

hjl at lucon dot org

jakub at redhat dot com

jengelh at gmx dot de

jfardo at laurelnetworks dot com

johns at fsf dot org

jordi at sindominio dot net

jrm at wlug dot org dot nz

keld at dkuug dot dk

lepinat at free dot fr

maestromae at kateos dot org

matt at mattb dot net dot nz

matt at mundell dot ukfsn dot org

matthias dot andree at gmx dot de

mfabian at suse dot de

michael dot kerrisk at gmx dot net

PARKINGSV at yahoo dot com

pasky at suse dot cz

Petr dot Salinger at seznam dot cz

pogonyshev at gmx dot net

robertmh at gnu dot org

roland at gnu dot org

rsa at us dot ibm dot com

sakovacs at freemail dot hu

samuel dot thibault at ens-lyon dot org

sbrabec at suse dot cz

schwab at suse dot de

siward at wanadoo dot nl

sjmunroe at us dot ibm dot com

sourceware at zacglen dot com dot au

tensor5 at gmail dot com

thkala at softlab dot ece dot ntua dot gr

Thomas Schwinge

tomri at gmx dot net

tschwinge at gnu dot org

vadim at zeitlins dot org

vapier at gentoo dot org

yong dot personal dot mail at gmail dot com

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