glibc-bugs archive
author index for August, 2007

This is the mail archive of the mailing list for the glibc project.

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Arfrever dot FTA at GMail dot Com

ast at domdv dot de

bart dot vanassche at gmail dot com

belegdol at gmail dot com

Benno Schulenberg

bensberg at justemail dot net


bruce dot gayliard at hp dot com

carlos at systemhalted dot org

dominik at greysector dot net

drepper at redhat dot com

Gayliard, Bruce

hjl at lucon dot org

holger dot ki at freenet dot de

inkerman42 at gmail dot com

jakub at redhat dot com

jreiser at BitWagon dot com

mgarski at post dot pl

mr dot ecik at gmail dot com

ole+glibc at ans dot pl

olsajiri at gmail dot com

pasky at suse dot cz

patryk dot szczyglowski at gmail dot com

paul at inet dot co dot za

qrczak at knm dot org dot pl

r_runner at poczta dot onet dot pl

Roland McGrath

ron at rongage dot org

schizo at debian dot org

schwab at suse dot de

sgrayban at gmail dot com

stian at nixia dot no

sttob at mailshack dot com

t-nishiie at soft dot fujitsu dot com

timp at pulsic dot com

Tuomo yulkavic


vapier at gentoo dot org

wadimzilla at gmail dot com

yannig at marchegay dot org

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