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Re: Y2K question

> On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
> dont know, but i have seen the same behavior with >netscape and javascript,
> showing ddates as 100 or in some cases 99, instead of >2000.
 > Hi,
 > I was wondering why the next code returned 100 as year when current date
 > is past y2k. 

We went through a similar discussion almost a year ago about the (non-standard but carried over from several pre-f90 compilers) 2-digit year date functions in g77.  Craig Burley changed them from "years since 1900" to "final 2 digits of year" and at the same time marked them y2k incompliant (compiler warning), recommending instead the standard (since f90) date_and_time function with the 4-digit year.  The change seemed to be accepted with little discussion after we found this treatment consistent with one already adopted on the web pages documenting VMS Fortran.  

Yes, some of us were doing pre-y2k remediation with g77 and VMS.


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