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Possible errors in Complex functions,

We believe there may be an error in the function gsl_complex_pow, testing
code follows:

1). Complex pow(const Complex& z1, const Complex& z2)

               Complex pow(const Complex& z1, const Complex& z2) {
                      gsl_complex gz = gsl_complex_pow(z1.m_gslComplex,
                      return Complex(GSL_REAL(gz), GSL_IMAG(gz));

             z1 = Complex(0.37082,-1.14127)
             z2 = Complex(0.965809,-2.19709)

            Testing pow (z1,z2).This function gives z1**z2

            Expect pow (z1,z2) = Complex(-0.4342397,-0.090085)
            Obtain pow (z1,z2) = ( -0.00327587, -0.0753357 )

2).    Complex pow(const Complex& z, double a):

                    Complex pow(const Complex& z, double a) {
                           gsl_complex gz =
gsl_complex_pow_real(z.m_gslComplex, a);
                           return Complex(GSL_REAL(gz), GSL_IMAG(gz));

            Testing pow (z,10.).This function gives z**10

            z = Complex(0.37082,-1.14127)
            a = 10.

            Expect pow (z,10) = Complex(6.19173,-0.00007834)
            Obtain pow (z,10) = ( 6.19184, -5.40649e-05 )

Same for complex asec:

3).     Complex asec(const Complex& z) :

                    Complex asec(const Complex& z) {
                            gsl_complex gz =
                            return Complex(GSL_REAL(gz), GSL_IMAG(gz));

             Testing asec (z):

              z = Complex(0.37082,-1.14127)

               Expect asec (z) = Complex(-1.369225 ,0.739622)
               Obtain asec (z) = ( 1.36922, -0.739622 )

JJ Gomez and Ana Tornero

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