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Re: Proposal for new functions for matrix manipulation.

> [..]
> >
> > and the assembly output looks exactly as you'd want it.  If that's
> > not an option for you, couldn't you say
> >
> >   double *elem = gsl_matrix_ptr(M, i, j);
> >   *elem += add;
> >
> > in you C source?
> I can, just that this is a way around, and I thougt it might have sence
> to provide the straight one.
> I know that it isn't very important issue. It just came to my mind, that
> this is probablly so commonly used operation that it could be provided
> by library.
I agree, as such a command occurs quite often and an easy implementation
would be very useful. In my work, I need many matrix element
and would be happy with an easy command. Additionally, it supports a
code structure what IMO is an important issue.


Dr. rer.nat. Axel Hutt
Weierstraß-Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Mohrenstr. 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: ++49 - (0)30 - 20372 564
Fax.: +49 - (0)30 - 2044 975

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