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Re: gsl_matrix_* question

El 08/06/2003, Brian Gough escribió:

> If you look at the definitions of gsl_matrix_view and gsl_vector_view
> you can create matrix and vector views which point at any area of
> memory.

Yes I take the point, but what I need is take one matrix and have a view of
it without the fifth column, or the third row, or ... In essence, take a
nxm matrix and return a view of that matrix, but with size (n-1)xm or

I can make this with a simple loop but I've thinked this could be
in gsl because is a common operation in matrices.

Asier ·· NO A LA GUERRA, NO EN MI NOMBRE ·· [ Socio Co-Fundador del K.T.P ]

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