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Re: Debye missing

Brian Gough <> writes:

> Jochen Küpper writes:
>  > I was missing the conversion factor for electric dipole moments from
>  > Debye to C/m from GSL. The attached patch fixes that.


> Yes, I have put it in with the numerical constant as 10^-21/c.


But in current cvs-HEAD it is actually wrong (1e-18 instead of 1e-21): (?)
| (setq gsl-electrical-constants 
|       '(("8.854187817e-12 F/m" "VACUUM_PERMITTIVITY")
|         ("mu0"           "VACUUM_PERMEABILITY")
|         ("(1e-18/c) C/m"  "DEBYE")))

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit      
    Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité                GnuPG key: CC1B0B4D
        (Part 3 you find in my messages before fall 2003.)

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