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Optimizing function calls in GSL Vegas

I want to compute a complicated integral with Vegas. The integral is 6-dimensional, and have
a sinusoidal factor in a linear combination of the integration variables. The integration variables vary
from negative to positive infinity. I can't solve this integral by simply using a coordinate substitution
that will turn each integration range to a finite range, because then the sinusoidal factor will become pathologial.
Instead, I use a generalized spherical coordinate transformation, which will turn the integration interval into a
finite interval, for 5 of the integration variables, where the function called by vegas is computed as a Fourier integral
with respect to the radial parameter.
My problem is choosing good heuristics, for estimating to what relative and absolute accuracy to use as parameters
to the Fourier integral.

"Home is not where you are born, but where your heart finds peace" -
Tommy Nordgren, "The dying old crone"

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