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Re: guile-gtk-1.2 CVS % gtk-pixmap-new

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 15:01:30 +0100
Daniel Skarda <> wrote:

>   gtk-1.2.defs:
> (define-func gtk_pixmap_new
>   GtkWidget
>   ((GdkPixmap pixmap)
>    (GdkBitmap bitmap (null-ok) (= "NULL"))))
>   Former (gtk-pixmap-new file parent) was "weaker" - it was not possible to
> create GtkPixmaps from already existing GdkPixmap/GdkPitmaps etc.  I guess that
> the old behaviour was old hack from times, when there were no bindings for
> GdkPixmap/GdkBitmap types and functions.
>   Because (< (guile-gtk-version) 1.0), I decided that there is still a time to
> replace the hack by correct bindings that closely reflect C API. As you wrote,
> I mentioned my change in ChangeLog and NEWS (that entry is not so clear about
> the change), but I forgot to send an email (because there were so many changes
> in my commit, that gtk-pixmap-new seemed to me as a cosmetic change).
>   I am sorry if the change caused you big troubles.

No problem....just a tiny grep/replace problem

> > I changed the call from that function to gtk-pixmap-new-from-file, which works
> > ok, but is this the desired change?
>   Yes. gtk-pixmap-new-from-file implements code, that used to be in old
> gtk-pixmap-new C hack.

It works perfectly anyway.

> 0.


Stanislas Pinte

Computer Consultant

Alto Software
20 Pl St Jacques
B-4000 Liège


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