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Re: tinyclos without stuff

>>>>> "Klaus" == Klaus Schilling <> writes:

    Klaus> Is there a way to use tinyclos for guile without hobbit,
    Klaus> dynamic linking and GUI-stuffs?

    Klaus>    Klaus Schilling


After installing guile-stklos-1.1 in the right place (under 
.../share/guile/site), simply load it by (use-modules (clos-1.7 clos).

This will work, BUT you must have installed an utility file from hobbit,
even if you do not compile anything. The file in question is link.scm,
to be put in .../share/guile/hobbit4d.

Link.scm handles the automatic mapping from modules names to files
names (compiled or not), 
and is slightly orthogonal to the mechanism provided by boot-9.scm and
used by guile-gtcltk.

The Tk stuff also does not rely on hobbit, except link.scm.

You seem unhappy with dynamic linking. What are exactly your problems ?


B. Urban