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Re: JAGH writes:
> Maciej Stachowiak <> writes:
> > guile -c '(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)(define(p s)(lambda(o)(
> > let((n(call/cc(lambda(x)(o x)x))))(let loop((n n)(l(string->list s)))(if(not(
> > null? l))(begin(display(car l))(loop(call/cc n)(cdr l))))))))((p "Js nte ul akr"
> > )(p "utAohrGieHce "))'
> Geez, isn't Scwm keeping you busy enough! :-)

It is, but I woke up at 3 AM last night and was compelled to type this
in an Emacs buffer. Actually, my first version was much less elegant;
it used set! (icky side effects!) and had two different procedures
that are both replaced by p in the version above. As soon as I fixed
those problems, the demons of insomnia released me from their curse. I
figured people deserved to see the twisted results.

 - Maciej