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[PB] I can't compile guile 1.2 on solaris 2.5

	Everything goes well until the creation of There, ld
complains about this:

Text relocation remains			      referenced
    against symbol		    offset	in file
rx_regexec                          0x924     	/usr/local/lib/librx.a(rxposix.o)
re_syntax_table                     0x88      	/usr/local/lib/librx.a(rxgnucomp.o)

	[ and a full bunch of other, all from librx.a ]

My platform is SunOS metheny 5.5 Generic_103093-22 sun4u sparc
I configured --with-threads and --with-dynamic (the defualt)

	Can somebody help me ? Thanks

    /     /   _   _       Didier Verna
 - / / - / / /_/ /      E.N.S.T. INF C214
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                      75634 Paris  cedex 13     Fax.   (33) 01 45 81 31 19