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Re: generating a manual from annotations in source code

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Galassi <> writes:

    Marko> If we are talking about a reference manual describing the
    Marko> way the implementation works, as I think we are, I suggest
    Marko> to borrow from Haskells literate style.

    Mark> We are not describing how the implementation works.  We are
    Mark> describing the various APIs and how the programmer should
    Mark> use them.

 But isn't that almost the same thing?  An understanding of how it
 works internally can assist in designing good programs around it.

 For instance, I just learned that in Emacs, it's more efficient to
 use (car (car (cdr ls))) than to define a C subr `caadr', because the 
 lookup and dispatch time is slower for that subr than executing the
 varref, cdr, and two car byte code instructions.

 Perhaps there are things of this nature to be learned about `guile'
 through an understanding of its implementation internals.