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Re: probably faqs

>>>>> "MC" == Matthew Crosby <> writes:

  MC> Hmm. Security, good point. For what I'm doing at the moment,
  MC> security isn't an issue. But that does interest me. Is there an
  MC> eqivalent of, say, safe tcl? Any interest or plans? (I'd
  MC> volunteer to work on it, if there is interest...)

Possible source of inspiration: the Scsh web server includes an "seval
handler" which allows the user to upload Scheme code to be evaluated
by the server. The code is evaluated in a "toothless" module in which
all potentially dangerous r4rs procedures are unavailable. It also
includes simple DOS-protection in the form of a timeout for the
Eric Marsden
emarsden @
It's elephants all the way down