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Re: Scheme style auto-resizing hashtable (fwd)

On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Ian Bicking wrote:

> Just some comments on naming:
> ...
> > 	dictionary-lookup
> Should this maybe be dictionary-ref -- to keep with the vector-ref
> notation?  Not that "ref" is too meaningful, but it is consistent.
> Well, maybe... lookup sounds better, but remembering which
> good-sounding accessor goes with which data type can be hard.

*sigh*, yes I see your point, there's a "list-ref" too.

but I'm still married to "dictionary-lookup".  "dictionary-ref" just
doesn't sound right to me.

> ...
> > 	dictionary-map
> > 	dictionary-foreach
> dictionary-map-pair, dictionary-foreach-pair.  Or
> dictionary-map-value, dictionary-foreach-value.  I'd vote for mapping
> to values as being the default (i.e., dictionary-map maps the values).

possibly.  "dictionary-map-value" would of course be a simple application
of "dictionary-map":

(define dictionary-map-value
  (lambda (value-proc dictionary)
    (let ((pair-proc (lambda (pair) (value-proc (cdr pair)))))
      (dictionary-map pair-proc dictionary))))

I guess "dictionary-map-value" would be very useful to potential users. 
But at some point we need to decide where to draw the line between
often-used procedures that should be defined in the extension and
lesser-used procedures that users should write for themselves.  It's
probably best not to try to anticipate every possible procedure that a
user may ever want. 

> And, as I think about it, dictionary-map-pair is unlikely to be used,
> a rather silly function, I think.  dictionary-foreach-pair is all you
> probably need.

I like "dictionary-map-pair" because it yields, e.g. "dictionary->keys",
"dictionary->values", "dictionary->alist".

> ("pair" or "association"?  Pair is shorter, association is more
> accurate...)

mmm, I dunno.  I'm not married to either.  But I do prefer
"dictionary->alist" over "dictionary->pairs".

> A dictionary-rehash! function, perhaps?

excellent idea, useful for cases where the user knowingly alters the keys
of key-value pairs stored in the dictionary.  (perhaps they do a
"dictionary->alist", and then fool around with the pairs in the alist).

> If dictionary-update! does what I think, it should probably be called
> dictionary-set!

nope, sorry.  Nobody correctly guessed my intentional meaning.  Very bad
job of naming, sorry.

I'll give:


and their memory-conscious siblings:

dictionary-consume-alist!       -- delete alist while inserting pairs
dictionary-consume-dictionary!  -- delete buckets while inserting entries

> There should be a "dictionary?"

yes, *smack forehead*, I forgot.
this is okay, but not foolproof:

(define dictionary?
  (lambda (obj)
    (and (pair? obj)
         (let ((header (car obj)))
           (and (vector? header)
		(let ((dictionary-type (vector-ref header 0)))
		  (or (eq? dictionary-type 'dictionary)
		      (eq? dictionary-type 'dictionaryv)
		      (eq? dictionary-type 'dictionaryq))))))))

> It might be nice to have a form like:
> (dictionary '((key1 . value1) (key2 . value2) ...))
> Or maybe:
> (dictionary '(key1 . value1) '(key2 . value2) ...)
> I don't know which is really better.

I would prefer to give the user a chance to set up their dictionary the
way they want it prior to "converting" an alist to a dictionary:

(define foo (make-dictionaryv))       ;; I'm going to use mostly integers
(dictionary-disable! foo 'store-hash) ;; and symbols as keys

(dictionary-insert-alist! foo '((color . "blue") (42 . "foo")))

> dictionary-stats and dictionary-more-stats don't make any sense to me.

umm, they're for people who want to check how well the hasher is handling
their keys...?  *blush*, alright, those procedures were solely for *my*

> If there are a lot of stats, maybe a lot of functions are called for
> (one for each stat).  If collecting the stats is expensive, but you
> get them all at once, then... hmm... I dunno.

"stats" would give everything that can be deduced from the info in the

#(dictionary-type number-entries auto-shrink-flag store-hash-flag)

and the length of the vector of buckets.  So, stats may do this:

guile> (dictionary-stats foo)
((dictionary-type . 'dictionaryv) (auto-shrink-enabled . #t)
 (store-hash-enabled . #f) (number-entries . 18) (number-buckets . 8)
 (mean-bucket-size . 2.25))

"more-stats" would actually look at the length of each bucket and then
spit out things like 'number-nonempty-buckets, 'mean-nonempty-bucket-size,
'largest-bucket-size, 'largest-bucket-index, 'bucket-size-quartiles,
'bucket-size-standard-deviation, .... etc.
> Why is there a "!" after dictionary-copy! ?  Doesn't it make a
> (non-destructive) copy of a dictionary?

oops, right.

> Maybe there should be a dictionary-append! (is this what you meant by
> dictionary-copy!?)  "append" does imply some sort of ordering, though.

dictionary-insert-alist and friends should provide the functionality you
have in mind here.

> What is dictionary-clear! supposed to do?

basically delete all entries.  It would delete all the buckets while
traversing them, break all the old cons cells, and in general make life
easy for Guile's gc.

> There should be a dictionary-length.

yes, right.

> That's all I can think of at the moment.

thank you VERY much for your input.
