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Re: Coding examples for a C-centric world in app development

On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 05:58:32PM +0100, Lutz Behnke wrote:
> Hi there,
> What happend ot the examples of code describing how to use guile if
> one wants to write an application where C is the master world.  The
> tutorial contained a (broken) reference to such examples

It is really more or less the same... you still must call gh_enter,
and go into a function.  So, to include guile in things like Apache,
you would have to totally canabalize it.  I personally would suggest
Python or Tcl, if you don't have control over the whole app (like
apache).  This hopefully will be changing soon, but I don't know what
the status is.  I think the key problems have been identified, and a
solution is being worked on.  Jim has a very good idea of where Guile
is going, and, IMO, a lot of good, solid, practical ideas about how to
get it there.

David Welton                 

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