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Re: hobbit.scm call-order.patch [repeat]

>>>>> "Doug" == Doug Evans <> writes:

    Doug> Are the current guile-hobbit sources in cvs?  Can we put

Yes, but on my machine at home, which is not connected to the outside world...

    Doug> them there?  Also, I didn't find a ChangeLog in
    Doug> guile-hobbit-1.3.2.  Can we add one?

Yes, but it will be in French...

    Doug> Here's a repeat of a patch I sent in, in hopes it makes it
    Doug> into the next release.  I don't think the patch is
    Doug> controversial.  make-new-funs-let already does what this
    Doug> patch does for make-new-funs-letrec.

Thank you for the patch !
I expect to have a new release next month, which will compile keywords.



B. Urban