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guiledraw (was: problem with compiled module)

On Apr 13, Gary Houston decided to present us with:
> | Actually, I get "illegal hardware instruction" on a lot of other
> | simple things, so this is not the problem. Perhaps I made
> | something stupid when compiling/linking the module? What useful
> | info can I send? The Makefile?
> I don't know where you got the scm2int from.  Is it gh_scm2int?
> Also, your second fdopen was incorrectly using scm2char (gh_scm2char?)

Ooops. Wow, compiling libraries in C is so weird, you can type
almost anything and it compiles without an "unresolved
reference" warning... thanks :-)

The thing is giving a lot of other weird errors [like hanging
forever in an SCM_ASSERT], and I'm quite sure it's me doing
something stupid, so I decided to upload the whole stuff to for "peer review" :-)

It's meant to be a Guile binding to libplot. I started it to
have vector-drawing for my two other Guile projects (sonya, more
exactly sonya's postscript emulator, and the FEAST game
toolkit). No I don't want to announce it in Greg's list yet :-)

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